Lifestyle Family

Wyatt is One

As you may remember, I had the great privilege of being present to document Wyatt's birth.  It was the sweetest of benchmarks to visit the family celebration for his first birthday one summer evening at the park.  

I just love these images.  

To see the complete session, you can click here!  

Nathaniel's Fresh Baby Session

This beautiful little guy and his brave, brave mama have such a place in my heart.  Heather originally hired me for birth photography, but due to series of serious complications, it ended up that Heather had to give birth in Anchorage via cesarean section at 34 weeks.  Baby Nathaniel far exceeded everyone's expectations and happily, he was able to travel home north with his two big brothers soon.  We did this session just a few weeks after they returned home to the beautiful chaos that is life with three young kids.  

The McElroy Family is 4

Repeat clients give me all the best fuzzy feelings.  It's especially wonderful to watch them grow!  This was Caleb's first time joining us for the McElroy's annual family session (and what an addition he was!).  I can't wait for this year's session - it'll be here before you know it.